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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

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Search result for 'ecotype photo '. Viewing records 381 to 390 of 440 hits.

N22572 Name: Eden-1 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Medium size rosettes with numerous leaves, leaf margins almost smooth, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), height=38-48 cm.
N22573 Name: Eden-2 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Large rosettes with numerous and large leaves, early leaves are wide with leaf margins irregularly serrated, later leaves are narrower with leaf margins slightly serrated, rounded tips, asymmetric leaf surface and curled up and/or down, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), somewhat dark-green plants, height=40-45cm.
N22574 Name: Lov-1 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
Locus Photo
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Single plant selection from Lovvik, N Sweden (Harnosand area)
Medium to large size of rosettes with numerous leaves, early leaves have leaf margins irregularly serrated, later leaves have leaf margins almost smooth, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), dark-green plants with numerous aerial rosettes, height=56-66 cm. After 6 wk vernalization, Lov-1 flowered earlier than Ull-2-5, suggesting that Lov-1 might be insensitive to short periods of cold but then respond quickly after that. Shindo, et al. (2006). While FLC decreased in Lov-1 plants over a 4-wk cold period, flowering time was not accelerated. FLC levels decreased during cold treatment but then increased significantly after the plants were returned to 23°C. After 6 wk of cold, FLC levels were lower than those observed at 4 wk. After 12 wk vernalization FLC levels increased after 30 d growth post-cold.
N22575 Name: Lov-5 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Large rosettes with numerous leaves, early leaves are wide and have leaf margins serrated especially at the basal portion, later leaves are narrower and have leaf margins irregularly serrated, relatively no leaf shoulders and short petiols, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), dark-green plants, height=45-53 cm.
N22576 Name: Fab-2 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Large rosettes with numerous leaves, elongated leaves with no shoulders, leaf margins slightly serrated, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), height=42-46 cm.
N22577 Name: Fab-4 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Large rosettes with numerous leaves, elongated leaves with elongated petiols and no shoulders, leaf margins slightly serrated, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), dark-green plants, height=44-48 cm.
N22578 Name: Bil-5 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Medium to large size rosettes with numerous leaves, elongated leaves with elongated petiols, spoon-shape (concave) leaves with somewhat asymmetric surface, leaf margins almost smooth, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), numerous axillary inflorescences, height=45-53 cm.Phenotype curated by ABRC
N22579 Name: Bil-7 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
Locus Photo
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Large rosettes with numerous oval-shape leaves, elongated petiols, asymmetric and contorted leaf surfaces, leaf margins smooth, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), dark-green plants, height=50-60 cm. Accelerated flowering by 2 weeks vernalization. Flowering time variation between accessions was maximal after 4 wk vernalization. Shindo, et al. (2006). FLC levels return to a moderately high level after 4 wk vernalization.After 6 wk of cold, FLC levels were lower than those observed at 4 wk.
N22580 Name: Var2-1 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Large rosettes with numerous large leaves, wide leaves with rounded tips, leaf margins deeply serrated, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), dull greyish dark-green plants (slightly more pubescent than normal), height=48-56cm.
N22581 Name: Var2-6 Price: £11.00
  • University of Southern California Magnus Nordborg
  • University of Chicago Martin Kreitman
  • University of Chicago Joy Bergelson
Locus Photo
photo of Arabidopsis plant
Stock type: individual line
Material type: seed

Large rosettes with numerous large leaves, leaves with rounded tips, leaf margins irregularly serrated, late flowering (vernalization at rosette stage may promote earlier flowering), dull greyish dark-green plants (slightly more pubescent than normal), height=45-55cm. Despite responding to 4 wk of cold, Var-2-6 and Ull-2-5 still flowered late after >6 wk of cold; i.e., the vernalization response was relatively slow. Shindo, et al. (2006). After 6 wk of cold, FLC levels were lower than those observed at 4 wk.